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About us

Dr. med. Esther Renoirte

Dear parents and children – and anyone interested in my work,

My name is Dr. med. Esther Maximiliane Renoirte. I qualified as a medical doctor in 2008 and became a pediatric and adolescent consultant in 2014. I'm also a mother of two children myself, of a son (born in 2015) and a daughter (born in 2017).


As a specialist in pediatric and adolescent medicine, I accompany my patients and their families from each child's first days of life up until their coming of age. Regular check-ups allow me not only to recognise illnesses but also to support these children and adolescents in their physical and mental growth and development. I am able to guide them towards a healthy lifestyle and to enjoying a loving and caring upbringing. In addition to treating acute infections, it is a challenge for us pediatric doctors to recognise rarer and serious illnesses, especially as our young patients in their early years cannot say exactly what's wrong with them, how they feel or where it hurts. This is why I recollect each and every day how important it is to concentrate on each individual patient and to listen to what their families tell me, even when the waiting room is full. And I am very grateful for their trust in me.


The variety inherent in this work and my daily contact with my patients and their parents/care-givers prove to me again and again that I have chosen the right profession and field for myself.


In addition to taking courses in further general pediatric education, I have also specialised in the areas of parent-baby-toddler counselling, sonography, and child/adolescent gynaecology.


In the blog on our webpage I would like to cover various aspects of children's health. You may ask why I should want to keep a blog in addition to my work in the practice and my own family life?


By focussing on and working through individual topics, I can keep up to date with recent developments and research and so enable myself to work at a qualitively high level. It also satisfies my desire to occupy myself creatively and without any pressure; this alternately to my very practical day-to-day work.


I intend to approach all topics with the so­-called “beginner's mind”, with an inner attitude marked by curiosity and openness.


»In the beginner´s mind there are many possibilities, in the expert´s mind there are few.«

Shunryo Suzuki

»How can he remember well his ignorance, which his growth requires, who has so often to use his knowledge?«

Henry David Thoreau




A-levels at the Markgräfin-Wilhelmine-Gymnasium in Bayreuth

2002 – 2004

Medical studies at the Georg-August-Universität Göttingen

2004 – 2008

Medical studies at the Christian-Albrechts-Universität  Kiel and qualification as medical doctor  


Doctorate in medicine


Qualification in pediatric nutritional studies (DGKJ)

seit 2016

Further education as a counsellor for Parents with Babies and Toddlers according to Prof. Dr. med. Mechthild Papousek at the academy for Development and Health of Children and Adolescents e.V. in Munich 


Certificate to carry out consultations in pediatric and adolescent gynaecology


Career Path

2008 – 2013

Intern/Assistant doctor specializing in pediatric medicine at the children`s hospital St. Marien in Landshut (three years general pediatrics and two years neonatology and intensive care)

2013 – 2016

Assistant doctor at the children`s hospital Dritter Orden in Munich (neonatology and general pediatrics)


Graduation as a specialist for pediatric and adolescent medicine

seit 2016

Employed Pediatrican in a pediatric practice in Munich 

seit 2021

Pediatrician in joint practice »Kinderärztinnen im Westend«


»The effect of Valproate on the spike-wave-activity in the EEG at rest and during hyperventilation and also on the photosensitivity of children with idiopathic general epilepsies« (Kiel 2011)


  • Deutsche Gesellschaft für Kinder- und Jugendmedizin e.V. (DGKJ)

  • Berufsverband der Kinder- und Jugendärzte e.V. (BVKJ)

  • Gesellschaft für pädiatrische Gastroenterologie und Ernährung  (GPGE)

  • Arbeitsgemeinschaft Kinder- und Jugendgynäkologie e.v. 

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